

REACHING-OUT to clients is in the CORE of any business. Clients are either EXISTING CLIENTS, or NEW TARGETTED CLIENTS. Strategy for dealing with EXISTING CLIENTS is based on CLIENTS’ SATISFACTION which generates more sales. Strategy for dealing with NEW CLIENTS is based on attracting new clients and convincing them to buy the business’ services/products for the first time.


Reaching out to clients is in the CORE of any business, Clients are either EXISTING CLIENTS, or NEW TARGETTED CLIENTS. Strategy for dealing with EXISTING CLIENTS is based on CLIENTS’ SATISFACTION which generates more sales. Strategy for dealing with NEW CLIENTS is based on attracting new clients and convincing them to buy the business’ services/products for the first time.
For now, Return on Investment (ROI) for advertisement campaigns do not usually separate neither between the two types of clients, nor between the sales generated from a Traditional Campaign or Social Media Campaign. Today, ROI is usually the SUM OF ALL. Advertising Agencies usually handle advertising on both, Traditional and the New SOCIAL MEDIA campaigns for your business.
Although Traditional Media (one-way communication) is a MUST for advertisement, the new SOCIAL MEDIA is also a MUST. SOCIAL MEDIA advertising is fundamentally different from Traditional Media, as the new SOCIAL MEDIA gives the ability to directly interact with the client online (two-way communication).


An EXISTING CLIENT is a Client that has done at least one transaction with your business, and in the process, has provided the CONTACT DETAILS, such as telephone number, and email.
EXISTING CLIENT is easier to repeat its transaction with your business than a TARGETTED NEW CLIENT, especially if the previous transaction done and experience were satisfactory.
Reaching-out to an EXISTING CLIENT is much easier than TARGETTED NEW CLIENTS, because you, the business, already have the Client CONTACT DETAILS.

REACHING-OUT TO your business existing clients is part of communication process.

Since all the contacts are available in hand, all you need is your Advertising Agent’s CREATIVE CAPABILITIES (designs and messages), to reach them. The distribution can be either directly by the business (Email, SMS, and WhatsApp), or by using the Advertising Agency Distribution channels/tools.


Targeting New Clients is what differentiates an Advertising Agency from another. This is what the Advertising Plans are made and executed for, where the TRUE Return On Investment (ROI) is measured.
As a business, you MUST have an Advertising Plan, of TWO parts, one for the Traditional Media, with its ROI, and the second for SOCIAL MEDIA, each with its own ROI.
A-SYSTEMS DO NOT do Traditional Media. A-SYSTEMS DO NOT have a creative team. This is left to the PROs in Traditional Media. A-SYSTEMS DO Social Media MARKETING & MANAGEMENT , and do it very well, by partnering with the business and existing business’ Advertising Partner, for clear, realistic, concise targets and costs, and measurable ROI.


SOCIAL MEDIA impact on any Product and/or Services-based businesses is becoming more intense, due to a major Social Media Client Feature; client reviews & rating.
SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS is the one which maintains an EXCELLENT or at least VERY GOOD rating on the different SOCIAL MEDIA platforms.
One way to maintain a rating acceptable to the business requires the establishment of an internal business structure to handle the communications with clients over SOCIAL MEDIA. Another way is to outsource this task to a Professional SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT company.
SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNEL is not a single Platform. SOCIAL MEDIA consists today of Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, TikTok, LinkedIn, YouTube, WhatsApp, and more.
For your business, to cover ALL Platforms internally is costly, this is where a SOCAIL MEDIA MANAGEMENT partner is a cost effective alternative.
A-SYSTEMS Monitors ALL your business SOCIAL MEDIA Channels, and work hand-in-hand with your business, to satisfy your business Clients’ and maintain acceptable SOCIAL MEDIA rating for your business.
Reaching-out to EXISTING CLIENTs is also a form of communication. Your Business must build a CLIENT DATABASE, which segregates clients based on criteria agreed on internally, for the benefit of both the client and the business.
Marketing to EXISTING CLIENTs requires, in addition to the CONTACT DETAILs collected in a database, the Marketing Tools, which are usually unique to each SOCIAL MEDIA Platform, in addition to Bulk Emailer, Design personnel, and slogan copy-writer, The above Marketing Tools may either be availed internally, if your business is handling this functionality, or outsourced to your Advertising Agent, noting that Marketing to EXISTING CLIENTS is usually NOT charged as the usual marketing campaigns to NEW TARGETED CLIENTS .
A-SYSTEMS enables your business to have SOCIAL MEDIA NEICH through on-going marketing campaigns to EXISTING CLIENTs.


SERVING Clients covers the full cycle from the client’s entry point to the purchase transaction till the successful exit of client
The SOCIAL MEDIA is evolving. Numerous SOCIAL MEDIA Platforms now offer tools to automate different levels of online interaction with Clients.
Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, FaceBook and WhatsApp each offer multiple levels for online interaction with Clients. What level of online interaction is required for your business, and on which SOCIAL MEDIA Platform, is driven by your Business Client’s database, and New Targeted Clients SOCIAL MEDIA Platform distribution.
The basic levels of SERVING Clients are the AUTOMATED ONLINE ASSISTANT, PRODUCTS/SERVICES CATALOGUEs, SHOPPING CART, and ONLINE PAYMENT GATEWAY, which links the Client’s Front-End to your Business Back-End systems to facilitate product/service Order Reporting, Inventory, Financial Clearing, and Shipment.
A-SYSTEMS enables your business not just to have SOCIAL MEDIA presence on multiple Platforms, A-SYSTEMS work with your Business, hand-in-hand, to enhance your Business Presence and Client Services on the SOCIAL MEDIA Platforms most adequate to your business Clients.